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The Community outreach program gives opportunity to get involved in community service on a regular basis, with products to choose from almost every weak. Products are student-led and are offered at a variety of levels. The Schools has one Hospital Help Group keeping an aim of helping villagers to provide a helping hand with medical checkups, report collection and even getting prescribed medicines. Similarly the school runs a Mobile Library to provide the resources and Services needed to open doors to lifelong learning, to full-fill near by rural citizens’ information needs, and to offer and support various educational needs. “Ek Kadam Sahyog Ki aur” is set another support group led by students in which unwanted usable stuff like clothes; stationary and toys are collected every month and distributed among those who can’t afford them. With “Help Age India,” a social service NGO that provide supports old age homes, the students do various funds rising activities. Another group is involved in educating illiterate support staff of the school. This Adult Education Support programme is all handled and monitored by our students.

Community Service/Responsible Action 

The responsible action program taken up by the Hindi department of SSE, has been doing commendable work where students are motivated to regularly visit old-age homes to make them feel loved and wanted, plant saplings which are literally and figuratively the seeds to a greener future, donating to non-profit-organisations, food, clothes and books to be conveyed to the needy.

Education is all about empowerment and the Sangamites are taught to spread education to illiterate people around them so that they can make a huge difference in the society.

The world is desperately waiting for a change and we at Sangam vow to make each Sangamite a messenger.