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13th APRIL, 2021

Dear Students,

This is to inform all of you about an invitation received by us to participate in I.I.M.U.N.’s Digital Flagship Conference 3.0 that is scheduled to take place from 16th to 18th of July, 2021! 🎤
This is a great opportunity to be a part of a conference that has hosted dignitaries such as Dr. Shashi Tharoor, Ms. Sonam Kapoor, A.R. Rahman, the UN Secretary General and first-ever Head of Nations Summit which saw Prime Minister/President of 7 different countries congregate to discuss Multilateralism.😮
What’s more?
This conference is taking place on a specially designed 3D platform incorporating exciting features of Augmented and Virtual Reality!
A short video encapsulation of their conferencing platform and few snippets of the various segments from the last conference they conducted on this very same platform can be found here!👨🏻‍💻
We would urge you to register and complete the formalities at the earliest, as the seats are limited!⏳
Register here:
*Fee related benefits & more for all those who register during priority period (which ends on April 15, 2021)
For queries, write to
(class groups of grades 7 to 12)


6 A & B- Bitupan
7 A & B- Harshad
7 C- Seema Soni
8 A & B- Ajay
8 C – Kapil
9 A & B- Parakh
10 A & B- Honey
9 C & 10 C- Raaju
9 DA & 10 DA- Nagendra
Dear All
Above shared is the list of ‘Support teachers’ for cbse grades 6 to 10.They need to discuss the duty with the respective coordinator and take on the assigned duty from 15th April onwards.
Thank you