Circular No.: Acad-133/2021
All Heads of Institutions affiliated to CBSE
🔺Subject: -Pariksha Pe Charcha (PPC-5) Contest 2022.
🔺The 5th edition of Pariskhas Pe Charcha the unique interactive program of Hon’ble Prime Minister with students teaches and parents will be held through virtual mode in February, 2022.
🔺In order to select participants who will be featured in Pariksha Pe Charcha programme, an online creative writing competition is being conducted at on various topics (Annexure-I) during 28th December to 20th January 2022 for children studying in classes of 9 to 12 teachers and parents.
🔺About 2050 winners will also receive a certificate signed by Director NCERT and a special PPC Kit comprising of Exam Warriors book in H…