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HAMARI VASUDHA”-Let’s Unplastic Our Lives

Sangam School of Excellence has embarked upon a special project from August 2019 as it’s the time to bring in change rather than expecting the change to happen.
The world is waking up to a crisis of plastic pollution. Every minute, an estimated 2 million single use plastic bags are handed out at checkout counters across the world. Plastic is everywhere and much of it ends up in the environment where it threatens wildlife, endangers public health and costs billon to clean up.
We, at SSE, have pledged to “UNPLASTIC” our lives by taking a small initiative, “HAMARI VASUDHA”-Let’s Unplastic Our Lives.
It is a three phase program which includes different activities to reduce the usage of plastic within the community by the end of the year 2021. 
As a team, We need your support to make this happen.